Here are quick steps on how to find it: Open Viber app Select More tab from the navigation bar at the bottom Click on the QR Code icon on the top right corner This will open your personal Viber QR Code. Important Note: to use the Text option your device's screen needs to be on and unlocked so that the chat window can open, Tasker can input the needed text and send it. Like WeChat and Snapchat, messaging and calling app Viber too allows you to add friends if they scan your Viber QR Code. It'll also give you the option to Back Out of the chat so that you can end up where you started before the message was sent. If you enter some text, Tasker will use its Keyboard to automatically input and send some text. If you have WhatsApp installed you can use this action to send text messages directly by selecting the WhatsApp () option with the App field's helper. Scroll through the options and tap Settings. Use the built-in helper to check what apps and contacts work for you. In the bottom right corner, tap on the More icon (three horizontal lines and a blue-white circle). You can see that I am first saving the clipboard.

py file does not seem to be saving my speech to the clipboard as I though it would. It also shows you how you can make the app invisible, so the user never knows of its presence. A simple tasker profile to read aloud a text message, as well as respond when in your car.Link to video I referenced. I am using tasker to send send a text when I speak. For the next steps, check out the video below. Go to uMobix website, sign up and get the download link Open the app once it has finished installing on the target phone.

Allows to communicate with other users depending on what apps you and they have installed.